Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Trapeze Wednesday?!

That's right. Tomorrow I'm going to take a trapeze lesson!

Patty, Tamara, Julie and I are all going to Miami Beach after work tomorrow to undergo a 2 hour trapeze lesson! If the decision to go wasn't so last minute, then I would have prepared a sequined outfit to wear. Hopefully I'll remember to bring my camera, but if not, you all will get a full update about the experience, with or without pics!

What I'm reading now...
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

What I ate for dinner tonight...
Baked tomatoes, onions, zucchini and cheese with pepper and Italian dressing on spinach! A salad of sorts; fantastic!

What I'm listenting to...
People say she's crazy she's got diamonds on the soles of her shoes.
That's one way to lose these walkin' blues...

What I'm doing now...

to Nikki - hey cuz! Glad we got to catch up some tonight! Love!

Shoutout Two...
Sissy - Where ya at?!



Becky said...

Sounds like a good healthy supper. Since you like zucchini, need to try Buddy's favorite recipe. Slice zucchini, layer in casserole dish, spread parmesean cheese over that, season with garlic salt & italian seasoning, add thin layer of very fine bread crumbs, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. Bake at 400 til lightly brown.

Kristin said...

Not sure about the food, but everything else sounds wonderful! HAHA Hey, i guess after last night we'll be seeing you in the circus, huh?

The Bates Girls! said...

Hey i'm really impressed with your eating habits! I'm proud you're finally trying new things...I like Becky's recipe i'll have to try that for the girls. Can't wait to see the pics...maybe when I get to Miami in my hot little bikini maybe i'll go try it :) !

Craftysis7 said...

I am right here Jessica, I guess you were talking to me. I am so impressed with all the greens you are eating these days. I want a picture of the trampez act, ok! I like how you are updating us on all your happenings, keep up the good work, See ya Christmas,

Love ya,

Aunt Sissy

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