Sunday, September 13, 2009

Book Club Website!

My friends and I have a book club here in Miami. It was actually started by my friend Rebecca, and she just recently moved to Seattle for law school. She was one of the girls I went to Disney with. I wanted to share the blog I started for the book club girls, in case any of you wanted to see what we were reading and doing! We just recently decided to open up our group to other people, and I've had one woman respond to my Craigslist ad so far. (We are keeping the group Women Only.)

Here's the website:

It's on WordPress, not Blogger, but I'm trying that, too. Since I am a writer, and blogging is very hot right now, I need to know both pretty well. I'm also starting a cooking blog about mid-twenty cooking, and I'll share that as soon as I add a little more.

Miss Shelby looks so so sweet! I just saw Aunt Becky's new pics on facebook (3 day pics), and she already looks older and sweeter! I can't wait to meet her :) I'm so proud of you KK.

Also, Mom is coming to visit me in less than a week! Everyone please keep her calm about the airplane :) heheheh. Love you all!

For fun, pics when the Bank of America tower was PURPLE! (It was SO AWESOME!!!) It's usually white, and sometimes for holidays they'll make it red/white/blue (like Labor Day), or sometimes it's different colors for sports teams winning various things. But I could not figure out why it was purple the other day! Still, purple is my favorite color!


Craftysis7 said...


I love the new blog look. I knew you were a colorful person, this is more like you!! Have fun with mommy and make her behave!! haha!! I am very impressed with all your art work!! You are good!! Kind of crafty how you use the magazine and newpapers clippings in your work. So creative!! Look forward to seeing you next time you come in!!

Love you,

Aunt Sissy

Becky said...

Love the pic with the purple building. I know that just fits you, living in the city like that. We may need to give your mom a wine IV to get her on the airplane to get her down to you. :) I know she will have a great time once she gets there. Can't wait to see more pics. Love you.