Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Es el Martes, y te quiero!

Thought you guys might like this picture of Mark and me. We were being silly. He's traded in his mohawk for a mustache. Lol.

Hey all. So everyone in my office plays the lottery every week, and yesterday we won! Haha, but it was only 4 of 6 numbers, so we won $80. So after we split it, I got like $11. But it was still a little exciting...

So last night I got a rejection letter from one of the poetry journals I submitted to. I was slightly bummed, but then Mark ripped it into pieces and ate it and it made me roll on the floor laughing. So it was worth it. I think he spit it out and didn't swallow the paper, but I'm not sure. So now I will include a poem that was rejected...since I never put poems on here, I thought I'd try it out. Here goes....


I had forgotten all about her
until I ran into her today
or walked in proximity to her today
I should say, since she didn’t see me

and when I noticed her I dodged
into an aisle with nothing I needed,
spices and extracts, or something.

I hid because I had nothing to say.
What can anyone say
about such a tiny wooden box,

about tucking a newborn
into bed beside you and
waking to the sound of death

about a mother’s hand trembling
in front of a small small
open mouth, feeling nothing?

That's all for now! Hopefully I'll get to see everyone next weekend. I'm excited to see Drew talking! (And KK I hope to see Mitchy, and Karen, I miss Lando! And I need to get to know Grant!)

Now I'm going to snuggle up with a book and a beer, yummy yummy yum yum. Night.


The Bates Girls! said...

Saturday Oct 4th! Yeah can't wait to see my Baby! You are penciled in on my calendar! Translate "es el Martes, y te quiero!" I think it translates "Marty is the best mom in the world!" :)

Love Mom

The Bates Girls! said...

You will be proud of Mags, she got a "95" on her Geometry test!