Friday, June 18, 2010

And we're cooking!

As I'm sure you can imagine, Mark and I are thrilled to have our cookware with us. Mark cooked for me Wednesday night. Isn't he sweet? He cooked turkey kielbasa with bell pepper, onion, tomato and garlic. We also had a side of black beans. Here's the master at work in our homey kitchen.

We're cooking with fire here! Here's the finished meal, complete with a tasty Heineken Light. Now I'm off to meet Mark for lunch at La Petite Cafe.

Fried update: Last night Mark and I went to eat sushi at Kaido, our favorite spot a few blocks away. A familiar person entered with two friends, and we quickly realized she was a waitress from a cafe we've eaten at a few times. She was very friendly while serving us the other times, and we knew from chatting that she's an artist. We talked with her and her friends before leaving the restaurant last night and exchanged information. Her boyfriend lives here, too, and he's a recording engineer, so it sounds like he and Mark have similar interests. We're going to get together with them soon, if all goes well. Yay, friendships in the making! :)


Becky said...

Don't you just love cooking on a gas stove. I have one in my camper, and would love to have one in my house. Glad you guys are getting all settled in. I'm waiting to see big wave pics of the Pacific. I know there are lots of lighthouses on the Pacific coast. Maybe you and Mark can venture out and see some and send me some pics. Love you!!!!

Jessica said...

Gas stoves are really great! At first I was intimidated because I hadn't tried it before. But once I got the hang of it, I love it! :) We will try and venture out more once we're settled in. Our couch will be delivered on Wednesday, so maybe next weekend we'll hit the ole Pacific and take some pics for you! Love you too! :)

The Bates Girls! said...

I'm impressed with your and Mar's culinary glad you love veggies now! You have to really get used to the gas stoves. They cook so much faster than the electric. Looks like you guys are really getting settled. Can't wait to see bigger pics of the couch.

Love you and miss you!