Thursday, March 11, 2010


Mark and I have been doing a lot of cooking. This looks a little weird, I know, but it was DELICIOUS. So first we cooked a thin steak in olive oil and garlic and sliced it. Then we boiled potatoes and blended some spinach and onion. This is what the mixture looked like:

Then Mark (aka, The Bread Man), made some dough. We stuffed the mixture into the dough, sort of like a homemade hot pocket. Also, it was healthier than a hot pocket. :) Here's the Bread Man in action.

Here's what our hot pockets looked like after we baked them. A little misshapen, but YUM!

And here's what the inside looked like. So colorful and fun!

Mom, can you believe I'm eating green things, on my own?! Mwuahahah, I've come a long way since spitting up fried okra in Aunt Becky's kitchen. :)

Next post will be about the Indian cooking class Mark and I took in January! Sorry, I'm all backed up on my posts. But I'm catching up! Love!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This looks delish!