Wednesday, July 28, 2010

He gets fed.

Just in case you were wondering, Mark gets enough food to eat for lunch. :) Who knew I would actually love packing lunches so much?


The Bates Girls! said...

I'm so proud of have become so domestic! Never thought I would see the day that you get excited over veggies!

Miss you and love you bunches!

Jamie said...

Looks Yummy! I will have to show Nolen. We bought every container possible at pottery barn kids yesterday. I went overboard but I got caught up in back to school shopping and couldn't let say NO to Nolie. Kindergarten is a special reason to buy new things....At least that is what I am telling myself....

Kristin said...

WOW! It looks scrumptious! You are such a good girlfriend! By the way...we are gonna have to come visit at some point. Mitchell REALLY wants to go to LA to see the Jonas Brothers! HAHA