Sunday, May 9, 2010

"until the sun comes up over Santa Moni-coco-of-life"

Mark and I just got back from Santa Monica, California. We got there on Thursday and came back on the red-eye flight last night/this morning. We went to look for a place to live, since Mark just got a job in Santa Monica.

Once we got from the Los Angeles airport to Santa Monica, we drove through the hills and looked at all the wonderful, new sights! We stopped on this lovely hill to stretch our legs and get some fresh air.

Here's Mark on the same hill talking to his mom.

Then we found this beach, it's a state park in Santa Monica, but now I've forgotten the name. Mark is there in the distance, and I am, of course, snapping pictures left and right.

On that same beach, Mark and I wandered upon this set. We asked some girls on the beach what was happening, and they told us that they were filming a Jonas Brothers music video there. That made this our second celebrity sighting that day. That morning, on our flight from Miami to Los Angeles, we were on the plane with Hulk Hogan's (ex?) wife and son. I didn't get a picture of them; sorry Chels!   :(

Cool beach flowers.

Palm trees are much bigger in California!

Our delicious (and VERY affordable) lunch at Kaido in Santa Monica.

Sipping on some green tea before apartment hunting. 

Orienting ourselves to the west coast.

The roller coaster and ferris wheel on the Santa Monica Pier. At the pier, there are games, artists, musicians, rides, food and tourist shops. At the end of the pier people fish, and it's very breezy. The water here is much colder than in Florida, which cools down the air a lot.

Mark in front of the Apogee building, his future place of employment. We went out to lunch with a few of the engineers on Friday, and everyone seems really nice and inviting. His office is pretty cool, also. We got a tour of the place, and they even have a recording studio in the back of the building. Mark wishes he could start working today!


The Bates Girls! said...

Wow you guys are going to love it there! I love the first pic of you and Mark! The beach flowers are pretty and yes the palm trees are much taller. Maggie will be excited to visit and go to the pier. We'll have to work on Chelsea to get her on a plane again! I can't wait to come country! Yah! Can't wait to see you guys on the 23rd!! I know you both will be happy there and that's enough for me to try not to miss you so much!

Love you both!

Kristin said...

So, did you find a place? Also, are you sure it was Hulk's ex wife and son? And not her young lover? HA Shes dating a guy almost as young as her daughter!

The Bates Girls! said...

Hey Jess....tell Mar Happy Graduation Day!!! Also Ronnie was just telling me at lunch that there is a carousel at Santa Monica Pier that used to be here in Nashville somewhere in East Nashville..did you know that?