Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My friend had a cocktail party, and...

here are some pics! Me and Mark, looking fancy.

We were the most brightly colored couple there...

Ginny, Becca, Tracy, and me.

Tracy and me.

Cocktail party at the Yacht Club! I met Becca in my bookclub, and now I've gotten to know her some and hang out with her fun friends. Most of them are Coast Guard people. Becca is originally from Bowling Green, KY, so we had an instant connection. She went to college in Connecticut, works and lives in Miami now, and in the fall she's headed to Seattle for law school. She lives about 3 blocks away from my new place, so I can hop on over to see her anytime.

Also, Happy late Birthday to Derek, one of my favorites! :)

It stormed last night for the first time in our new place. It was pretty crazy! We were basically in the cloud. It wasn't a bad storm really, but Mark was really into the "lightning tracker" on his computer. The sky did look very strangely colored, but it was pretty cool.


Mark just booked our flights to TN this summer. I'll be home July 15-July 27. A little over two weeks. So YAY! I'm excited to see you all! Love from 37 stories above the ground.


Becky said...

Can't wait to see you this summer. We are headed out today for our trip to New England states. I'll be posting pics on my blog.

Kristin said...

Awesome! Can't wait to see you. Mark your calendar for Mitchell's b-day party. July 18th! Bring your bathing suit and Mark is more than welcomed to come along too!